Parents: please read below for two opportunities to get involved in next week. Thank you for your help to make these events possible!
Belmont High School PTSO
Parents: please read below for two opportunities to get involved in next week. Thank you for your help to make these events possible!
Please help bring holiday cheer to the students on Wednesday, December 11, by serving free hot cocoa. The PTSO has bought the hot chocolate from the cafeteria food services, who will warm it up. Parent volunteers are needed to bring it out and replenish supplies from the kitchen, set up and clean up the serving stations, and actually serve it to the students. Be a part of this fun event!
Sign up at
The PTSO is asking for donations of treats for the teachers' lounge to bring holiday cheer for the teachers and staff on Thursday, 12/12. We are also looking for a few parent volunteers to help set up the event. Thank you so much for your generosity to brighten the day for the teachers and staff!
Sign up at
As we near the end of 2024, we are asking you to please consider a donation to the PTSO to help support our programs for BHS students, teachers, staff and parents. Our all-volunteer organization is dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Belmont High School, and without your generous donations, our programs would not be possible.
You can donate securely online via PayPal or mail a check (payable to Belmont High School PTO) to us at: Belmont High School PTSO, 221 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478
The BHS PTSO is a 501(3) non-profit organization. For more information, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
CORPORATE MATCHING: Please check with your company to see if they offer programs matching employee contributions to non-profit charitable organizations like the BHS PTSO (Tax ID: 020-617-270).
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest programs and opportunities. You can also contact us at