Dear BHS Students and Families,
Unfortunately, this week started with a bomb threat on Monday, which led to an evacuation of the high school. I recognize that this was upsetting and triggering for many of our community members. When we returned to school on Tuesday morning, I asked teachers to read a message out in classes, which I have included below:
As you know, we evacuated the school yesterday due to a bomb threat. This was a precaution, based on the fact that the threat was posted on a SnapChat linked to the BHS class of 2028, and was posted during the school day. We have identified the person responsible for the post, the police have searched the school with K9 teams, and we are confident that there is no credible threat, and that it is safe to be in school.
I would like to thank the students and staff who came forward to report the post within minutes of it being visible. It is reassuring to know that students are looking out for one another and the community. Clearly, making these types of posts is unacceptable and dangerous. I am also very grateful for all of the teachers and staff who helped facilitate this evacuation during the lunch block, and with very little notice. Although this was a very upsetting event, the response by our community shows that we can pull together when we need to react to a situation.
If anyone would like to talk with an adult in private, please feel free to come down to guidance or the office.
I am reassured by the fact that students and faculty brought this threat to administration. Although many threats such as this turn out not to be credible, it is never worth taking a chance. If we hear or see something concerning we should always report it.
We did also continue on with many things worth celebrating this week. We have student athletes making progress on the field, and look forward to seeing the talents of our artists and thespians come to fruition at their performances later this fall. The annual clubs and activities fair on Tuesday was a huge success. A big thank you to all of the students, staff, and volunteers who made this possible. It was wonderful to see so many students passionately recruiting for clubs, and I wish all of the clubs a successful year. There is information below for anyone who missed the fair.
Isaac Taylor, Principal