Clay Pit Crooners
The BHS A Cappella group, The Clay Pit Crooners, placed fourth overall at the Varsity Vocals ICHSA Northeast Quarterfinals in Wakefield this past weekend. This group has worked really hard over the past few years under the guidance of Kaitlin Donovan, and so this is a great validation of all of their effort. Congrats to Kaitlin and the Crooners!
MMEA All-State and Junior Districts
We received terrific results from auditions over the past two weekends. Eleven BHS students were accepted to participate in the MMEA All-State Festival ensembles two weekends ago. This past weekend we had 15 BHS students and 39 BMS students accepted to perform in the MMEA-Northeast Junior District Festival. Thank you to all of our music teachers for helping prepare students for these opportunities, and a special thanks to those who have given up their Saturdays to accompany them to the audition sites!
MMEA-All State
Sophia Bufano, trombon
Noah Chin, cello
Hank Hicks, bassoon
Daphne Lee, violin
Stella Ovcharova, mallet percussion
Ryan Park, jazz trumpet
Hailey Peck, violin
Liam Sinclair, chorus
Rayna Thomas, chorus
Qingyin Yang, clarinet
Hibiki Yoshikawa, trombone
MMEA-NED Junior Districts (BHS)
Arka Anand, alto saxophone
Michika Ban, chorus
Simon Dizikes, tuba
Ethan Gong-Norton, tenor saxophone
Jinyu Gu, trumpet
Samantha Huang, clarinet
Tyler Kim, trumpet
Yihua Liu, French horn
Lily Lusis, trumpet
Javeed Moussignac, bass clarinet
Irene Park, clarinet
Eric Pyo, clarinet
William Qin, flute
Roisin Reavey, viola
Meenakshi Senthil, tenor saxophone
MMEA-NED Junior Districts (BMS)
Bruce Ahn, trombone
Luis Alcubierre, chorus
Madeleine Busch, chorus
Evelyn Carr, chorus
Aria Chen, trumpet
Asher Cohen, tuba
Miranda Coldwell, flute
Nathan Conery, flute
Claire Gu, flute
Lara Guentert, flute
Elizabeth Han, viola
Hillary Hu, cello
Kayla Hum, cello
Eve Kiezun, trumpet
Esther Kim, flute
Jayce Kim, string bass
Sebastian Kim, cello
Cecelia Lee, clarinet
Sophia Li, flute
Paul Lin, viola
Lan Lou, cute
Aubrey Maida, chorus
Ayla Meldrim, chorus
Amy Nguyen, viola
Henry Papajani, trombone
Nanette park, chorus
Mae Perry, violin
Veerane Pratap, alto saxophone
Yang Qi, viola
Zachary Reavey, string bass
Maximus Ruban, bass clarinet
Adeline Shi, violin
Kiara Sonawane, chorus
Louisa Sun, oboe
Yifei Tang, violin
Catherin Wang, viola
Iris Wang, cello
Gloria Warinner, chorus
Ethan Yuan, oboe