Hello Belmont Community!
We began the school year with much enthusiasm, welcoming staff on September 3 and students on September 4. I extend my gratitude to our families and staff for their positive energy and excitement as we opened our school and classroom doors once again. It was uplifting to experience the vibrant energy of learning return, with students filling the hallways and classrooms, eager for a year full of growth and discovery.
This year marks the final phase of our grade reconfiguration, as we proudly open the Chenery Upper Elementary (CUE) School, now home to all students in grades 4 through 6. This is a pivotal moment for the school with the leadership and staff working diligently to create an environment specifically designed to meet the needs of students at this developmental stage. Their approach is grounded in culturally responsive practices, a commitment to fostering a positive school climate, and a collaborative spirit that brings together the school and families. As a young school, CUE’s success will be made possible with the support of our community. I want to express my appreciation to families and staff for the dedication they have put into making this transition a success and, most importantly, supporting the learning of our students.
We are also embarking on another new chapter with the launch of our strategic plan, anchored in the district's mission, vision, and core values. Last spring, I formed a steering committee composed of teachers, administrators, families, community members, and students, who worked together to formulate our guiding statements. These statements were informed by direct input and feedback from community, staff, and student forums, as well as a survey, and have resulted in a set of clear and meaningful declarations that articulate our shared purpose, direction, and beliefs about education.
The BPS Mission, Vision, and Core Values.
In addition, the steering committee identified key strategic priorities, areas of practice that will focus our improvement efforts. From there, the leadership team has been crafting the district’s strategic plan, which outlines our three-year and annual goals, along with concrete action steps. This plan will be presented to the School Committee at the upcoming meeting on September 24.
In recent weeks, Lucia and I have had the pleasure of hosting coffee and conversation sessions with families. These dialogues have been immensely valuable, providing an opportunity for families to ask questions and for us to hear their thoughts and ideas. One of the most striking aspects of these conversations has been the incredible support our community groups provide to the school system. From the Foundation for Belmont Education (FBE) to Parents of Music Students (POMS) to athletic boosters, these organizations play an indispensable role in enriching our students' educational experiences.
In particular, I want to recognize the efforts of our PTOs and PTAs, whose volunteers work tirelessly to support and enhance the education of our children. I encourage all families to attend PTO/PTA meetings and stay informed about the important work these groups are doing for our schools. This fall, I plan to visit each school’s PTO/PTA to continue these vital conversations and deepen the collaboration between families and schools. I look forward to seeing you there!