Burbank PTA
1/10 PTA Community Meeting 8:45am Mods #2
Burbank Staff Meeting Snack Signups
Burbank Family Dance Coordinators Needed!
STEM Night Signups
Forest Play Club
Extracurriculars start next week, 1/13!
Geography Challenge 3/14
Library Signups - many grades are lacking helpers!
Belmont Buzz Around Town
List of Burbank 2025 Events
Save the Date for our second PTA Community Meeting of the school year this Friday, January 10th 8:45-9:45am. Belmont's Bruegger's Bagels will be providing bagels, cream cheese, and coffee - swing by to warm up and enjoy a morning breakfast right after dropoff!
Special Guest Brandon Fitts from the Belmont Rec will attend to provide an update and overview of the Chenery Park Renovation Project! Many of our Burbank students will benefit from the new park when they move up to the CUE. Hear the latest updates and share ideas!
As always, these monthly Fridays are a wonderful opportunity to bring questions or concerns and learn about what's going on at Burbank. At Ms. Williams' last coffee chat, we discussed attendance rules, 3rd grade chromebooks, METCO, and the new math curriculum.
Have a specific question or topic you'd like addressed? Email Ms. Williams at lwilliams@belmontschools.net or the PTA at maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com before the coffee.
Sign up to show appreciation for our teachers by bringing snacks on a chosen week for the Burbank Staff Meetings! Staff have been SO grateful for all the snacks you provided in the fall. We are in need of more signups for February through the end of the year! Each volunteer should buy enough snacks for 20 (we'll have two volunteers per meeting so we can cover the entire staff). Example snacks include fresh fruit, pretzels, trail mix, popcorn, granola bars, cookies, etc. Snacks can be dropped off in the front office on the morning of the meeting. Thanks for showing our teachers some love!
Mark your calendars for Friday, February 28th 6-8pm! DJ Carlo & DJ Paul are back with more music and games at Burbank Family Dance!
We need volunteers to organize this energetic and special event - please reach out to maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com if you can assist with coordinating setup, food, prizes, etc. The more help, the better the event!
Please note - the Family Dance is not a dropoff event. Children are expected to be accompanied by their grown-up! Older siblings are invited to join the party, too.
Sign up for a STEM Night Station HERE for 3/21, 6-8PM! Want to host a station but not sure about an activity? Please email maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com - we have a list of ideas!
Please note that STEM Night has been postponed to Friday, March 21 and Multicultural Night has moved to Friday, May 2. We are in need of volunteers to help make these successful events!
Join a Burbank Family's own Forest Play Club! Our Forest Play Club offers children the chance to have fun playing with each other in a beautiful natural environment. In so doing, they make friends, exercise their bodies, learn to cooperate with and problem-solve with others, and develop autonomy and independence. We gather over the weekend at Menotomy Rocks Park in Arlington. We have been doing this with friends for about a year, originally inspired by the Let Grow Play Club Program. Anyone in the Burbank community is welcome to join if interested! If you have any questions or want to be added to the e-mail list to get updates about meeting times, please email Susanna Rinard (srinard@gmail.com), mom of Anselm Owens, Burbank 1st grader.
PTA After-School Extracurricular Classes begin next week, January 13th and run for 8 weeks through March 14th (No Classes on MLK Day or Feb. break). You can log into Burbank School Twist to confirm which classes your child is enrolled in. Email if you did not receive an instruction email on 1/6. We have a record number of students signed up - thank you for supporting the PTA; we're excited for this session!
Mondays - Science Lab (Mods 1) & Yoga (Mods 2)
Tuesdays - Sewing (Mods 1) & 4pm Sewing (Mods1)
Thursdays - Taylor Swift Fan Club (Kulik's Classroom) & Chess Club (Mods 2)
Fridays - Fun with Food (Teachers Lounge) & 4pm Fun with Food (Teachers Lounge)
Classes run 2:50-3:50pm; the second sessions of Sew Much Fun & Fun with Food run 4:00-5:00pm.
PLEASE email burbankptaxtra@gmail.com if your child will be absent from their afterschool class or if you have any questions or concerns! If your child is sick from school, please do not bring them to extracurriculars.
This year's Geography Challenge is scheduled for March 14th during school!
Team Registration for the Burbank Geography Challenge held on March 14th will open February 3rd! Full information for this year's challenge can be found HERE. We always aim for 100% participation; it is a fun experience and not super competitive! Our Geography Committee or room parents can help with putting teams together if needed.
We could use a more parent volunteers to help us organize this year's event; we would love to see some families of K-2 students getting involved and shadowing our current committee members as they are leaving Burbank next year! This is a long-standing tradition unique to Burbank.
New to Burbank and still unsure about the geography challenge after reading the details? Please reach out to the PTA, Geography Challenge Committee, or parents in your child's class who are familiar - we are happy to explain how it works!
Is your child ever looking for a specific book to grab on their library day? Check out the Burbank Library Online Catalogue!
Sign-Ups: Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade
Burbank Family Directories came home in students' folders in December! We sent one directory per family, so please check your youngest child's folder for your copy. If you did not receive, or you need an additional copy for your family, please email maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com.
Spirit Wear Pre-Orders are available for pickup at Champions. Please stop by and grab your gear!
If you would like to purchase a shirt or sweatshirt, we have a small inventory left; they are up on our PTA Online Store!
Have Around Town Events to Share? Email us!
Belmont Soccer's Spring Registration closes on January 10th. There will be no late registrations after 1/10. Spring season starts on April 12th. https://belmontsoccer.com
Registration for the 2025 Belmont Youth Lacrosse spring season is now open for all players!
All athletes can register early at a reduced rate through Jan. 3.
Register NOW for girls K-8 Belmont Youth Softball! (Registration closes March 1 for all travel teams). Keep an eye out for Belmont Youth Baseball in town and travel sign ups coming soon...!
1/10 PTA Community Meeting 8:45-9:45, Special Guest Brandon Fitts from Belmont Rec about Chenery Park Renovation
1/13 Winter Session Extracurriculars Begin (email burbankptaxtra@gmail.com with questions)
1/21 All School Pajama Day!
2/7 Principal Morning Coffee Chat 8:45
2/25 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
2/28 6:00-8:00 PM Family Dance
3/7 PTA Community Meeting 8:45-9:45
3/18 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
3/14 Geography Challenge 8:30-11:40
3/21 6:00-8:00 PM STEM Night
4/4 Principal Morning Coffee Chat 8:45
4/8 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
5/2 6:00-8:00 PM Multicultural Night
5/6 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
6/3 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
Questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Want to get involved? Please email the Burbank PTA at maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com
Have Burbank News or Around Town content to share with Burbank Families? Email the PTA Secretary