Burbank PTA
Today is an 11:40AM Early Release for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
11/27 11:40AM Early Release
11/28-29 No School
Fall Garden Cleanup Thank Yous!
Turkey Trot Reminder 11/27
First Friday Coffee with Principal 12/6
Book Fair 12/13 3-7:30 PM
Extracurricular Winter Session Preview
Giveback Events Success
List of 2024-25 Events
An enormous THANK YOU to all the wonderful parents and families who came out on a beautiful Saturday morning to clean-up the Classroom and Veggie Gardens in preparation for winter. Leaves were raked and bagged; stones were collected for storage; and shrubs were pruned.
A shoutout thank you in addition to Starbucks for providing coffee for our volunteers and to Linda's Donuts for donating a box of delicious donuts!
On Wed., Nov. 27th, all Burbank students will be able to participate in a walk/run around the school building during school for exercise and enjoyment while helping their community! A suggested donation of a non-perishable food item is asked to be brought to school beginning on Friday, November 15th through Tuesday, November 26th. All collected food items will then be donated to the Belmont Food Pantry. Thank you for your support!
Questions- lwilliams@belmontschools.net
Join Ms. Williams, Burbank's Principal, for her monthly Principal Chat on Friday, December 6th, 8:45-9:25 AM in Mods Classroom #2. Virtual Option. Coffee provided by the PTA
This is a wonderful opportunity to bring questions or concerns and learn about what's going on at Burbank. Have a specific question or topic you'd like addressed? Email Ms. Williams at lwilliams@belmontschools.net before the coffee.
The Burbank Book Fair is Back, and this time it's a one-day event! Save the Date for Friday, Dec. 13th from 3:00-7:30 PM, so you can stock up for the holidays and help us clear book lists for teachers and staff! We have moved away from Scholastic and will be utilizing a local vendor, Best Books Fairs, to put on this event. We intend to have books for a variety of ages from PK-young adult, so stock up for all the kids in your life!
Please consider signing up to help setup, run sales, keep shelves stocked, or cleanup. Volunteers like you keep make these events a success! Want to help in another way? Email maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com
Craftastic Class
Before School Sports
Our Fall PTA classes are in full swing! Enjoy a few pictures of the kids having fun. Winter sign-ups are approaching, and registration will start on December 9th at 4pm on https://burbank.schooltwist.org. Winter session will run from January 13- March 14. Below is an overview of the classes we’re planning to offer. These after school programs provide a fun and creative way for students to explore new interests while supporting the PTA’s mission to enhance the educational experience at Burbank. Stay tuned for more details and sneak peak on December 4th.
Woodland Creatures
Lego Robotics
Mondays - The Science Lab with Pamela // Yoga Kids with Kelly
Tuesdays - Sewing with Callie // French Club with Rola // Spanish Club with Rola
Thursdays - Taylor Swift Fan Club with Ms. Kulik // TBD
Fridays - Fun with Food with Ms. Sacca // Fun with Food @4pm
Thank you for dining out at Comella's on 10/30 and Hanami Sushi Bar & Grill on 11/10! Both restaurants generously gave a portion of their proceeds from these giveback events to our PTA, with Comella's donating $100 and Hanami donating $400!! We are extremely grateful for these generous funds which will be used to continue offering meaningful enrichments to our students, appreciation for our staff, and fun events for our Burbank Community.
If you have further questions, please contact Martin Guentert, our Fundraising Chair, at (617)549-0656 or martin.guentert@gmail.com. Thank You!!
Three Ways to Donate:
Donate Online: Visit the PTA Givebacks Store
Check/Cash: Drop off a personal check or cash to the Burbank school office during school hours or send the donation in with your child via their classroom folder and your child's teacher will make sure to pass it along to the PTA.
Please make your check payable to Burbank Elementary School PTA and indicate PTA Donation and your child's name in the memo section.
Mail a personal check directly to the school: Burbank Elementary School, Attn: Burbank PTA, 266 School St, Belmont, MA 02478
More information: Support Us
Is your child ever looking for a specific book to grab on their library day? Check out the Burbank Library Online Catalogue!
Sign-Ups: Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade
Have Around Town Events to Share? Email us!
The First Church in Belmont is having its annual Children's Musical in a couple weeks (11/21-11/24). This fall it's The Mackado - a reinterpretation of Gilbert & Sullivan's Mikado. Come out and see K-8th graders take the stage. They've been working so hard for the past 10 weeks, and the show never disappoints. It's a great show for kids of all ages. Purchase tickets here.
11/20 Early Release 11:40am, Parent Teacher Conferences
11/27 Early Release 11:40am
11/28-11/29 No School (Thanksgiving)
12/2 1st Grade Weather Workshop Enrichment Program (Discovery Museum)
12/3 2nd Grade Physical Changes of Matter Enrichment Program (Discovery Museum)
12/3 Picture Retake Day
12/6 8:45-9:25 First Friday Coffee Chat with Principal Williams
12/12 3rd Grade Meteorologist Enrichment Program
12/13 4:30-7:30 PM Book Fair
12/17 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
12/23-1/1 No School (Winter Recess)
1/21 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
1/23 6:00-8:00 PM STEM Night
2/25 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
2/28 6:00-8:00 PM Family Dance
3/18 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
Date TBD: Geography Challenge
4/3 6:00-8:00 PM Multicultural Night
4/8 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
5/6 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
6/3 School Spirit Day (Blue/Gold/White)
Questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Want to get involved? Please email the Burbank PTA at maryleeburbankpta@gmail.com
Have Burbank News or Around Town content to share with Burbank Families? Email the PTA Secretary