December 12 School Advisory Council Meeting 7pm Meeting Link :
December 19 - PTA Board Meeting with Superintendent Dr. Geiser 6pm
December 23-January 1 - Winter Break
January 2 - School Resumes
Now that winter has set in, we want to ensure all of our students stay warm and safe during recess while enjoying the fresh air. Students will go outside for recess as long as the temperature and wind chill remain safe. The decision about if students will be going outside for recess is based on the temperature and wind chill using this chart. It is important that students come to school dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Students who are wearing shorts or do not have the appropriate outdoor clothing (jacket, hood/hat, gloves/mittens) will stay inside. When there is snow on the ground, students are only allowed to play on the field if they are wearing snow boots and snow pants. If a student forgets an item, we have a limited supply of extra gear, but it's best if everyone comes prepared. Families are also encourage to look through the lost and found to claim any missing items. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe, warm, and ready to enjoy recess during these colder months. Your partnership makes a big difference!
We want to remind you of the various ways you can find out about school delays and closings. As always, Belmont Public Schools will put out an automated call and email to parents and staff. School closing or delay decisions are made with the support of the other town departments as we consider the safety of our staff and students traveling to school. As usual, any snow days are made up at the end of the school year.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the various ways you can find out about an unexpected school closing or delay due to weather:
WBZ Radio (1030 AM) and TV (Channel 4)
WRKO Radio (680 AM) and WHDH TV (Channel 7)
WCVB TV (Channel 5)
The BPS Website
Thank you to those who attended last week's Coffee with the Principal where reading specialists Jackie Duane and Alyssa Greene presented the different ways we support our young readers and writers at Butler. For those of you who could not make, please check out this presentation and reach out if you have any questions.
Illness Guidelines
We continue to see an overall increase in illness in our community. Early symptoms of Covid, RSV and the flu can look similar for many children, including congestion, cough, runny nose, muscle aches, fever, and headache. At home COVID testing is still recommended; testing more than once is highly suggested as it may take time for the virus to show on a home test. If your child continues to feel unwell, please reach out to your pediatrician for further guidance.
When to keep your child home
A cold or COVID-like illness, in the early contagious stages (frequent sneezing, coughing, nose stuffed up, nose constantly running, child feels ill ) Please use a rapid antigen at-home COVID test prior to their return to school.
A temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher. Keep children home until their temperature is less than 100.0 for 24 hours without fever reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin etc.).
Vomiting or diarrhea. Students should remain home for 24 hours after the last episode.
An undiagnosed skin rash.
Infections such as strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), ringworm, or impetigo. Keep your
child home until they have been on prescribed treatment medication for 24 hours.
If your child has been sick and is still requiring frequent over the counter medications for cough, fever, or other symptoms, they are not well enough to return to school. Please be sure to keep them home until they are able to make it through the day without medication.
Call the absence line at 617-993- 5552 to report your child’s absence (messages can be left 24 hours a day). ALL positive COVID-19 cases are to be reported on this FORM If your child has been diagnosed with an illness, it is helpful to let me know so that I can help you plan a safe return for your child and keep track of potential trends and outbreaks in school.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season.. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns
Lisa Harteveldt BSN, RN
Butler School Nurse
Students on the Playground Before School Begins:
Students cannot be left on the playground before or after school without adult supervision for any length of time or for any reason. We understand, though, that some parents/guardians prefer for their children to play outside before school. Individual parents/guardians who choose to supervise their own children or children they are authorized to supervise through pre-arranged communications, before school, may do so. To keep all children safe, we ask that all adults please respect this policy. If you notice an unattended child joining the play being supervised by you, please check-in with that child in order to determine that they are not being supervised and then direct that child into the school.
Students on the Playground After School is Over:
We understand, though, that parents/guardians often want to stay and play with their children at the end of the day. Just as with the arrival process, individual parents/guardians who choose to stay may supervise their own children or children they are authorized to supervise through pre-arranged communications, no longer than one hour past dismissal or until: 3:50 PM Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; 2:30 PM on most Wednesdays; and 12:40 PM on Early Release Wednesdays. Again, if you notice an unattended child joining the play being supervised by you, please check-in with them to determine that they are not being supervised and then direct them to return inside the school. One hour after school dismisses (see above times) until 6:00 PM each day, the Butler Elementary School playground is reserved ONLY for children enrolled in the Butler Extended Day Program.