We are in the final stretch - the last three weeks of school. And what a sprint it’s going to be.
We wanted to take a moment to look at what we have done together this year.
Over the summer and into the early fall, we created a new non-profit and started the Chenery Upper Elementary School PTO. We got our own tax ID, wrote up bylaws, and recruited volunteers.
Once all of the paperwork was in order, we started our inaugural annual fundraising campaign. It was a great success raising more than $18,000. With those funds we have been able to have:
Enrichment programs from the Discovery Museum for every science class in 5th and 6th grade;
Author visits for all ELA classes in 5th and 6th grade;
A Science Night with presentations from dozens of students;
Two dance parties with photo booths for both grades;
Monthly Teacher and Staff Appreciation events, with a week-long series of events in May;
Purchased dozens of basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, hula hoops, chalk, jump ropes and a rolling cart for recess;
Purchased every month paper towels, cleaning wipes, and tissues for teachers and staff;
Reimbursed teachers for classroom supplies;
An opportunity to join the other schools in the district and host a Boston-Bowling event;
Several principal coffees and lunches with Ms. O’Brien and various guests.
Additionally, with the help of tremendous volunteers, we started the After School Extracurricular programs with more than 15 classes in our first year. We also sold spirit wear and class photos.
Thank you so much for all of your support this year. We will be assisting the school’s administration, teachers, and staff for the final events of the year. We’re looking forward to a great end to an awesome year!
Have a great week!
Laura Castelli & Kara Sassone
PTO Co-Presidents