We hope the school year is of to a great start!!
Fun Run Kickoff Week!
The annual Fun Run is one of the most anticipated events of the year when all students participate in a run on a quarter mile loop around the school. It is our biggest fundraiser for our Wellington school community with a goal to raise $15,000 to fund enrichment activities throughout the year. The Fun Run will take place the morning of Friday, October 11th from 9 - 11:00 am.
Next Steps:
Register your student: Wellington Fun Run Hub
Reach out to family and friends by sharing the donation link
Volunteer to help out or cheer on the kids on October 11! (CORI form required)
Welcome Back!
Thursday September 19 from 5pm-7pm, join us on the Wellington Field (the grass next to the blue playground) for our Welcome Back to School Picnic! Pack a picnic or order from the Melt Food Truck. If you'd like to volunteer to help clean up after the event please contact us: wellingtonptopresidents@gmail.com
Say Cheese!
Picture Day is Thursday, September 26 for preK-3rd grade students. We are still in need of 3 more afternoon shift (11a-2p) volunteers. If you'd like to volunteer for this event please sign up HERE! All volunteers receive complimentary pictures! Please note: You must have an active CORI on file to volunteer. If you're unsure, please check in with the front office to confirm.
Sign-up to be a Wellington Library Volunteer!
The Wellington library relies on volunteers to help out throughout the year. Each class has four library volunteers who come in about once a month for approximately 30 minutes to assist your child's class with their library time, which involves checking books in and out and shelving books. Because this is a trained position, we ask for a year-long commitment helping with your child’s class every 4-5 weeks.
We are structuring the volunteers differently this year, so please read below for specifics.
Each class will have four main library volunteers.
If you sign up as a main library volunteer, you are letting us know that you are available to be in the library during your child's library class time about once a month.
If you want to volunteer in the library, but you cannot commit to being a main library volunteer, you can become a support volunteer. We do not have specific support days set-up yet because we need to gauge interest. But please fill out this Support Volunteer Form, and we will be in touch with more details in the coming weeks.
If you want to be a main library volunteer, but the spots are full when you go to sign-up, please sign-up to be a support volunteer. This will provide opportunities to be in the library.
For those families with more than one child at Wellington: Please only sign-up to be the main volunteer in one of your children's classes. We want to allow as many families as possible to have a chance to volunteer in the library. If you would like to be considered as a main volunteer in more than one class, email us (wellingtonlibraryvolunteer@gmail.com) to let us know. Give us your child's name and class, and if we do not get four volunteers in a class, we can reach out.
If you have questions or want more information, please reach out to our PTO Library Volunteer Coordinators: Amy Heuer, Anastasiya Kenyon and Lara Lind (wellingtonlibraryvolunteer@gmail.com).
Room Parents!
Calling all parents/guardians, if you'd like to be a Room Parent for your students class. Please contact us at wellingtonptopresidents@gmail.com, or contact your students teacher to let them know. Please note: there are only 2 room parents per class. To be fair we will add volunteers on a first come, first served bases. Thank you in advance!