What does the Fun Run fund? FIELD TRIPS! We are at 15% of goal!
The PTO fully funds field trips for all families to ensure that all students can participate without any out of pocket expenses – and funds raised during the Fun Run make that possible! Trips include Habitat (Kindergarten), Acton Discovery Museum (1st Grade), Museum of Science (2nd grade), and the Boston Tea Party Museum (3rd grade). The Fun Run on October 11th is our most anticipated event and biggest fundraiser for our school community, and we are off to a great start, already at $2k raised so far, with 10% of students registered!
Next Steps:
Register your student: Wellington Fun Run Hub
Reach out to family and friends by sharing the donation link
Volunteer to help out or cheer on the kids on October 11! (CORI form required)
Welcome Back!
Thursday September 19 from 5pm-7pm. (Rain or Shine) Join us on the Wellington Field (the grass next to the blue playground) for our Welcome Back to School Picnic! Pack a picnic or order from the Melt Food Truck. If you'd like to volunteer to help clean up after the event please contact us: wellingtonptopresidents@gmail.com
Say Cheese!
Picture Day is Thursday, September 26 for preK-3rd grade students. Thank you to all who were able to volunteer! The Lifetouch order sheets went home last week! You can pre-order using the order sheet or this link: https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/pictureDayId/EVT2MK7K2?utm_source=Flyer
Still a few spots to be a Wellington library volunteer!
There are a few spots we are trying to fill for library volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering in the Wellington Library, see the list below for classes that are still in need of volunteers. If you have signed up as a main volunteer in one child's class and were waiting to see if there were spots in other classes, you are welcome to sign-up for a second class.
Each class will have four main library volunteers.
If you sign up as a main library volunteer, you are letting us know that you are available to be in the library during your child's library class time about once a month.
If you want to volunteer in the library, but you cannot commit to being a main library volunteer, you can become a support volunteer. We do not have specific support days set-up yet because we need to gauge interest. But please fill out this Support Volunteer Form, and we will be in touch with more details in the coming weeks.
Classes that need volunteers:
Reach out with any questions! Thanks,
Amy Heuer, Anastasiya Kenyon & Lara Lind (wellingtonlibraryvolunteer@gmail.com)
Room Parents!
Calling all parents/guardians, there are still a few openings left if you're interested in being a Room Parent for your students class. Please contact us at wellingtonptopresidents@gmail.com, or contact your students teacher to let them know. Please note: there are only 2 room parents per class. To be fair we will add volunteers on a first come, first served bases. Thank you in advance!
Here are a list of available classes:
Kindergarten: Vahedi, DeBello, Walsh
1st Grade: Hubbert
2nd Grade: Ebdon, Cassidy
3rd Grade: Lesiczka, St. Clair, Clow
Are you interested in serving on the Student Advisory Council?
The School Advisory Council is seeking members for the 2024 - 2025 school year. The Advisory Council is a group made up of parents/guardians and school staff that discusses big picture issues related to the governance of the school (school improvement plan, budget, etc.). Meetings are about 5 times a year.
The only requirement / qualification is being a parent or legal guardian. There is a parity requirement per state guidelines. This means that although as many people as are interested can attend meetings, only a limited number of parents/guardians will be able to be members of the council.
Interested? Email: wellingtonptopresidents@gmail.comgmail.com
Wellington School Directory!
Please fill out the forms sent out via email by Belmont Public Schools!
Last week BPS sent out a link to PlusPortals for families to update the contact information for their student/s. These forms are linked to the contact info we use to create the Wellington Directory. Within the forms, there is a way to opt-in or opt-out of the directory. If you want your student's contact information to appear in the Wellington Directory, please take a few minutes to fill out the forms: www.plusportals.com/wellington.
Thank you!
Lara Lind, Directory Coordinator