New and Noteworthy
PTA Community Meeting - 4/4, 9am (virtual)
District Wide Bowling Night - 4/6, 5:30-6:30pm
Food Drive - 3/31 - 4/4
Spring Extracurriculars - Registration OPEN
CUE PTO Social & Recruiting Breakfast
Third Grade Parents: Submit Photos for the Yearbook
Calendar of Events
Celebrating What We Do Best
Skate Night
STEM Night
Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
March Staff Treats
Staff Lunch
Around Belmont
Belmont Elections (4/1) - Don’t forget to vote!
BHS Family Fun Night - 4/3
FBE Spelling Bee - Registration closes TODAY
FBE Outstanding Teacher Award Nominations
Belmont Wellness Coalition Parenting Group - 3/26
Belmont World Film Festival - 3/31 - 5/19
Volunteer Links and Reminders